Mission & Values

Inspiring readers worldwide with stories that educate, entertain, and empower, while fostering a globally connected community of readers.

Curry Brothers Publishing: Igniting a Love for Reading through Diverse Voices and Sustainable Practices

Mission Statement

Our mission is to be a creative, entrepreneurial, independent publisher of books, audiobooks and digital content of excellence and originality and to bring these works to a worldwide audience. Our purpose is to inform, educate, entertain and inspire readers of all ages and backgrounds, with content as diverse as our readership. We champion a life-long love of reading and learning and seek to help build a reading culture with all the benefits which that brings society.

We operate with a firm belief in the freedom of speech and expression, publishing content of the highest quality that collectively demonstrates the value of diversity of thought. We are committed to helping authors, both new and established, to bring original and powerful works across a variety of genres and subjects to readers and learners worldwide, sharing ideas, knowledge and experience, and sometimes challenging convention.

Our Values

We want to create a working environment that stimulates creativity and collaboration, is respectful of difference, inclusive and ethical in its practice, and supports well-being. We are determined to nurture and develop our authors and our employees to their highest potential and know that our success is down to the passion, commitment and hard work of our talented people.

Diversity and Inclusion

We recognize the urgent need to help people from all backgrounds and identities to become part of the global publishing industry, allowing diverse voices to both reflect and shape our culture and community. We are committed to preserving and increasing the broad range of voices reflected in our published content, because we believe in the benefit this has for society. We understand that a diverse employee base, across all levels and specialities, is the best way to enable this.


We care about our planet and are actively working on initiatives to maximize our use of sustainable resources whilst seeking to reduce carbon emissions from fuel and electricity use. We are working to reduce consumption and introduce sustainable working practices across all functions of publishing.